Island Beverage Company - Dedicated Tea Service Island Beverage Company - Dedicated Tea Service

Our Tea Service

Island Beverage Company has been in business since 1989, providing a complete range of iced and hot teas to the foodservice industry. Our monthly, PROACTIVE service literally converts water into gold as we convert your water drinkers into tea lovers. Call us at (610) 316-2181 to learn more.

Our competition? Usually it’s a coffee company or large food service supplier — they do tea as a sideline item. For years it didn’t matter how restaurants made iced tea. They made it in a pickle jar and let it sit in the walk-in. They ran in through a coffeemaker. There wasn’t automatic brewing equipment in the 80’s so there was a lot of inconsistency in way iced tea tasted in restaurants. Coffee companies jumped on the bandwagon but they didn’t provide equipment. To them tea was just another item that they could run through their coffee machine and the coffee company could garner profits from that without any investment in equipment. Then Island Beverage Company came along and said, ‘No, there’s a right way to brew iced tea and it’s NOT through your coffeemaker.’ That’s the truth for a number of reasons. That’s why we spend hundreds of dollars on brewing equipment for each new client, because it’s important to the end result — the taste, consistency and quality of the tea.

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Our unique four point Tea Service is based on: 1) the quality of the tea, 2) free, commercial brewing equipment customized to your restaurant’s needs, 3) service — including a 15-point preventative maintenance checklist on the brewer and supplies every month, 4) promotion, training your staff on the differences between tea varieties, hot tea, iced tea, how it’s grown, where it’s grown and so on. We also provide any promotional items you may need.

Boosts Existing Business

Ours is not a “one size, fits all” program. Oftentimes, even within one restaurant, your needs for table service are different from you needs for room service, which are different from a banquet service. We take a holistic approach to your business, and design your tea program to maximize all areas of your service. You may need a gallon-and-a-half brewer in one area, a three-gallon in another. You may want to serve different flavors of iced tea.

complete hot tea service, iced tea service, restaurant coffee houses tea shops, restaurant owners, restaurant managers, chefs  automatic brewing equipment, water filtration, tea brewers, tea supplies, hot tea, iced tea

We specifically work with two sizes of brewers — here’s why. We have a gallon-and-a-half brewer, which gives you much more control over the freshness of the tea. Rather than brewing three gallons of tea at eight o’clock in the morning and still serve that at eight o’clock at night, you’re able to brew fresh for lunch and fresh again for dinner. This also give you much more control on the back-end over waste, because fresh-brewed tea cannot be stored overnight or refrigerated. If you have a late table that comes in at 8:30 or 9:00 at night, you don’t have to brew three gallons. That’s particularly important in this area of the country where we have such seasonal changes in our weather. It gives you a lot of flexibility. Learn more about our free equipment

Also, the brewers we’ve selected are very energy-efficient. They save about $2 per day in electric costs because they do not contain a hot water tank that is constantly cycling. Along with their very small footprint, our systems include a flash boiler. When the Brew button is depressed, filtered water is fed into the brewer, and flash boiled. Nine minutes later you have a gallon-and-a-half of freshly brewed premium tea.

Water Filtration & Service

We install in-line water filtration on all our brewers as part of our service plan. This is very important to the end-product — that it is brewed consistently, every day, the same way. Filtration helps us know that our tea is going to be the same quality, every time, at the push of a button.

complete hot tea service, iced tea service, restaurant coffee houses tea shops, restaurant owners, restaurant managers, chefs  automatic brewing equipment, water filtration, tea brewers, tea supplies, hot tea, iced tea

We change the water filters as part of our regularly scheduled service program. Filter maintenance is based on your volume, which we monitor continuously. At each visit we perform a fifteen-point maintenance check on all equipment. We visit each account monthly, every 28 to 32 days. At that time we inventory the tea on-hand, we know when we were there last month, we know where we’re coming next month, we know how much tea you’re using on a daily basis. We stock you with the right amount until our next visit. We’re not calling you on a Monday to ask how much tea you have or how much tea you need. We make this part of your operation as seamless as possible. We know every restaurant manager has other issues to worry about than their tea. We have long-term relationships with our clients that are mutually beneficial. We’re going to be there with you to help you mine this profit center within your business.

Tea drinkers are among the most loyal customers. If they enjoy a quality glass of tea, they certainly will consider their meal a success. Our Island Beverage Company tea programs do more than just improve the quality of the teas you serve: Island Beverage tea services build a loyal repeat clientele base for your business.